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Partnerschaft für Human Risk Management

Nortal und SoSafe

In einer Zeit, in der Risiken komplexer werden, setzen wir auf den entscheidenden Erfolgsfaktor: den Menschen. Unser Human Risk Management unterstützt Sie dabei, Ihre Mitarbeitenden gezielt zu sensibilisieren, gesetzliche Schulungspflichten zu erfüllen und Risiken nachhaltig zu minimieren – für mehr Sicherheit und Effizienz in Ihrem Unternehmen.

Hintergrund SoSafe mit unterschiedlichen blauen Lichtstrahlen
Der Mensch im Mittelpunkt

Human Risk Management

In unserer digital vernetzten Welt wird der Mensch zum entscheidenden Faktor für eine effektive Risikominderung. Mit einem aktiven Human Risk Management setzen wir genau hier an: Der Mensch steht im Zentrum, um Risiken durch niedrigschwellige und nachhaltige Sensibilisierung sowie gezielte Wissensvermittlung signifikant zu reduzieren.

Unser Ansatz berücksichtigt nicht nur die individuellen Bedürfnisse Ihrer Mitarbeitenden, sondern erfüllt auch alle relevanten Schulungspflichten, die sich aus gesetzlichen Vorgaben, Verordnungen sowie den Anforderungen von Verbänden und Versicherungen ergeben.

Gemeinsam schaffen wir ein ganzheitliches Verständnis für Sicherheit und minimieren potenzielle Risiken – für ein sicheres und effizientes Arbeiten in Ihrem Unternehmen.

Dank automatisiertem und personalisiertem Lernen sparen Mitarbeitende mit SoSafe deutlich in ihrer Lernzeit.

SoSafe Webseite Screenshots
Ihre Plattform für Security Awareness und Human Risk Management

SoSafe und Nortal

SoSafe hilft als Europas führende Plattform für Security Awareness und Human Risk Management (u.a. Gewinner Forrester Wave Human Risk Management Solution Q3 2024 sowie des IT-Awards für Security Awareness) dabei, in Organisationen eine Sicherheitskultur auf- und auszubauen und Cyberrisiken zu minimieren. Die psychologisch fundierte und DSGVO-konforme Awareness-Plattform setzt auf personalisierte Lerninhalte und intelligente Angriffssimulationen.

 Mitarbeitende lernen so, sich aktiv vor Online-Bedrohungen zu schützen. Die Plattform ist einfach implementier- und skalierbar. Umfassende Analysen messen den ROI und zeigen Schwachstellen auf. Damit fördert SoSafe das sichere Verhalten aller Mitarbeitenden.

Modulare und von Kunden erweiterbare Lerninhalte decken u.a. die Grundsatz-Themen IT-Sicherheit, Phishing, Datenschutz, Arbeitsschutz, Allgemeines Gleichbehandlungsgesetz sowie branchenspezifische Themen wie Anti-Geldwäsche, Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz und kirchliches Datenschutzgesetz ab.

SoSafe Webseite Screenshots

Nortal Tark

Take the AI fast-track to business optimization.

Let's talk.

Icon Intelligent search

Intelligent Search

Harness the power of multiple LLMs to turn both external data and your internal company data into a vast source of valuable insights. Ask questions in any language and get a neatly summarized answer in the same language. Intelligent search is installed within your controlled environment, so you choose what data is shared and who can see it. 

Intelligent Match

Connect master data records across your company – regardless of format or quality. Identify a golden record that can be applied throughout the hierarchy or reports to provide consolidated insights. LLMs can be applied to enable seamless matching and improved results.

Icon Intelligent match
Icon Digital assistants

Digital Assistants

Up your intelligence game with digital assistants for internal use, customer use, or both. Digital assistants can integrate with Nortal Tark’s Intelligent Search and Matching APIs to give you a ChatGPT-style experience. Assistants remember previous conversations and queries, and can be fine-tuned to only use your data. You can even add the option for an automatic Google search if there’s no match in your company data. 

Document Chatting

Imagine grappling with a lengthy 50-page RFP, urgently needing clarity on key deliverables and deadlines. With our document chatting functionality, you can swiftly obtain the answers you need in mere seconds. Simply upload your document to the tool, pose your question, and receive an instant response. Streamline your workflow and accelerate decision-making with ease. 

Icon Document chatting
Icon Intelligent search
Intelligent search
Harness the power of multiple LLMs to turn both external data and your internal company data into a vast source of valuable insights. Ask questions in any language and get a neatly summarized answer in the same language. Intelligent search is installed within your controlled environment, so you choose what data is shared and who can see it.
Icon Intelligent match
Intelligent match
Connect master data records across your company – regardless of format or quality. Identify a golden record that can be applied throughout the hierarchy or reports to provide consolidated insights. LLMs can be applied to enable seamless matching and improved results.
Icon Digital assistants
Digital assistants
Up your intelligence game with digital assistants for internal use, customer use, or both. Digital assistants can integrate with Nortal Tark’s Intelligent Search and Matching APIs to give you a ChatGPT-style experience. Assistants remember previous conversations and queries, and can be fine-tuned to only use your data. You can even add the option for an automatic Google search if there’s no match in your company data.
Icon Document generator

Document Generator

Effortlessly create proposals, tenders, and more with just a few clicks. Choose your preferred format – Word, PowerPoint, or PDF – and let our tool do the rest. Seamlessly integrated into your workflow, it operates flawlessly on the web, within Teams, or wherever you work best. Choose from a variety of templates, customize chapters, and tailor language to suit your needs. The possibilities are limitless. 

Icon Document chatting
Document chatting
Imagine grappling with a lengthy 50-page RFP, urgently needing clarity on key deliverables and deadlines. With our document chatting functionality, you can swiftly obtain the answers you need in mere seconds. Simply upload your document to the tool, pose your question, and receive an instant response. Streamline your workflow and accelerate decision-making with ease.
Icon Document generator
Document generator
Effortlessly create proposals, tenders, and more with just a few clicks. Choose your preferred format – Word, PowerPoint, or PDF – and let our tool do the rest. Seamlessly integrated into your workflow, it operates flawlessly on the web, within Teams, or wherever you work best. Choose from a variety of templates, customize chapters, and tailor language to suit your needs. The possibilities are limitless.
contact us

Want to know what else we have done?

Welcome to the Flow

Hand-crafted unique websites.

We bring together innovative designers, pixel perfect developers and data driven strategists to create a boutique experience at enterprise scale.

Stock placeholder
Counter Title
Counter Title

Offering high value solutions and services.

Combining our research, years of experience and a lil’ bit of magic, we define what success looks like for your project.

Offering high value solutions and services.

Combining our research, years of experience and a lil’ bit of magic, we define what success looks like for your project.

Offering high value solutions and services.

Combining our research, years of experience and a lil’ bit of magic, we define what success looks like for your project.

Offering high value solutions and services.

Combining our research, years of experience and a lil’ bit of magic, we define what success looks like for your project.
Welcome to the Flow

We craft valuable experiences that push brands forward.

We bring together innovative designers, pixel perfect developers and data driven strategists to create a boutique experience at enterprise scale.

  • Awesome! I love how easy it is to work on an art project with your team! The outcome is always amazing!
    Henry Smith
    Flow Agency
  • Awesome! I love how easy it is to work on an art project with your team! The outcome is always amazing!
    Henry Smith
    Flow Agency
  • Awesome! I love how easy it is to work on an art project with your team! The outcome is always amazing!
    Henry Smith
    Flow Agency
  • Awesome! I love how easy it is to work on an art project with your team! The outcome is always amazing!
    Henry Smith
    Flow Agency
  • Awesome! I love how easy it is to work on an art project with your team! The outcome is always amazing!
    Henry Smith
    Flow Agency
Welcome to the Flow

Start creating your website today.

  • step1_new-2
    Understand the challenge
    AI is a broad field so it is essential that everyone involved has a clear and realistic understanding of how AI technologies work, what they can do, and whether the organization is ready to deploy AI.   
  • step2-1
    Identify opportunities
    Where could AI solutions bring real benefits to the organization? We recommend involving cross-functional people in different departments in discussions so a wide range of different perspectives can be collected. 
  • step3-1
    Validate feasibility
    Ensure access to data or the possibility to generate realistic sample data is granted including realistic data quality. 
  • step4
    Conduct a pilot
    Matching identified real-use cases with suitable types of AI allows for the creation of prototypes that can be tested for their potential within the context of the organization. It’s essential that the testing stage involves real end-users so their demands can be thoroughly understood.  
  • step5
    Plan change management
    A change management plan outlines the strategies, processes, and communication approaches for managing organizational change effectively.   
  • step6
    Set up a feedback system 
    Once launched, feedback from users and other stakeholders allows the solutions to be rapidly iterated and improved. 

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Want to know what else we have done?

Step 01.

Understand the challenge

AI is a broad field so it is essential that everyone involved has a clear and realistic understanding of how AI technologies work, what they can do, and whether the organization is ready to deploy AI.   

Step 02.

Identify opportunities 

Where could AI solutions bring real benefits to the organization? We recommend involving cross-functional people in different departments in discussions so a wide range of different perspectives can be collected. 

Step 03.

Validate feasibility

Ensure access to data or the possibility to generate realistic sample data is granted – (including realistic data quality). 

Step 04.

Conduct a pilot

Matching identified real-use cases with suitable types of AI allows for the creation of prototypes that can be tested for their potential within the context of the organization. It’s essential that the testing stage involves real end-users so their demands can be thoroughly understood.  

Step 05.

Plan change management

A change management plan outlines the strategies, processes, and communication approaches for managing organizational change effectively.   

Step 06.

Set up a feedback system 

Once launched, feedback from users and other stakeholders allows the solutions to be rapidly iterated and improved. 

TalTech University

Finding answers faster in an academic environment

A tailored Nortal Tark solution integrated with TalTech’s infrastructure allows university employees to ask questions regarding internal, external, and legal documents. The frontend follows the TalTech style guide and automated refreshing of the document store is being developed. 


Improving the efficiency of rooftop solar installations

The GIP Intelligent Search project, part of ESDEC Solar Group's Global Installer Platform, combines intelligent search and digital assistant capabilities to enable rooftop solar installers to efficiently manage their installations, access relevant information seamlessly, and interact with the platform in a conversational manner, enhancing the overall user experience. 


Nortals ganzheitlichen Lösungen

Icon Menschen

Wir beraten über den Einsatz der SoSafe Plattform, deren Integration und erarbeiten für Sie bei Bedarf Lösungen, die individuell auf Ihre Teams und Anforderungen zugeschnitten sind.

Icon Zertifikat

Planen Sie die Einführung von SoSafe und wissen nicht genau, welche Produkte und Pakete passen? Wir helfen Ihnen gerne bei der Auswahl der für Sie optimalen Lizenzen!

Icon Computer
Schulung & Einführung

Wir unterstützen Sie gemeinsam mit SoSafe bei der Einführung und bei Schulungen für Erstanwender*innen und Administratoren*innen sowie bei Interesse zu speziellen Fachthemen.

Sprechen Sie uns an!

Sie wollen Ihr Human Risk Management auf ein neues Level heben und Ihre Cybersecurity erhöhen? Melden Sie sich bei uns!